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This series talks about my emotions that I felt during few months, in which I also wrote all the texts listening to music.

Sometimes we have dark period in which all seems us dark and without a way to exit.

We’re afraid of everything, we remember all the memories and then we cry, we feel empty and we see only darkness.

But at the end we understand that exists a way to exit, is our light.

Only believing in ourselves and accepting us, we can overcome every obstacle.

At the end of our emotional journey, in which we have reached the depths, we understand that to go up again in surface, we need our light but also our darkness. 

Around Italy 2018-2019



Are you afraid?

Don’t turn around

Maybe someone is following you

It’s getting closer and closer


Maybe all this is happening only in your mind.



It was a different summer from the others

Sometimes it rained

I always thought of you

All the memories resurfaced

It hurts.



It’s night

You look out the window and

You see a lonely tree

You feel like him





I’ve lost in the obscurity

I see only darkness

I don’t understand anymore

Chaos reigns

Despite this

I see a light, maybe my light…



…despite this

Don’t forget who you are

Always follow your heart

Be strong

If you get lost

Believe in your light and

You’ll know what to do.